Valuation & Appraisals


  • Written valuations

    We provide valuation reports for insurance or legal purposes.  There is a fee for this service.
    Please call 9898 2118 to make a booking.

  • Free Auction Appraisal

    We offer a free auction appraisal service.  We will provide feedback on suitability of your goods for auction and estimated overall auction value. If you have a collection or a whole house full to manage, please call us and we may arrange a no obligation free visit from one of our valuers or an appointment at our rooms.

  • Property clearances & relocations

    Contact us for a confidential discussion.


Request an auction estimate for your items.

Please provide a short summary of your enquiry, attach your photos and we will contact you.
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If you need assistance uploading your information please phone us on 0488 118 190 – available 7 days