Introducing Melanie Fahey, our Jewellery Specialist

Abbeys Auctions has had a long association with fine jewellery and timepieces and have held many special auctions over the past 2 years in addition to pieces being placed in regular monthly Collectables & Classics and Weekly Estate auctions.

We were thrilled to have Melanie Fahey join us in July as our Abbeys Auctions jewellery specialist. Melanie is a fully qualified Gemmologist (F.G.A.A) and Diamond Technologist.

Melanie started in the jewellery trade at 18 and held various roles for different part of the jewellery industry including a manufacturing jeweller, a wholesale diamond merchant, and then was a jewellery buyer for a large retailer.  she travelled to many places, like Hong Kong and Las Vegas for that retailer which was great, but it was time for a change and she’s now our Jewellery Specialist at Abbeys Auctions!

Here’s a little insight into Melanie:

So Abbeys is a little different to the types of companies you’ve worked for in the past. What excites you the most about Abbeys so far?

It’s definitely the range of items that come through – everything from costume jewellery, estate pieces, new jewellery and individual gemstones.  I think that seeing the antique jewellery is most exciting because it gives you an opportunity to explore its’ history and hallmarks. It’s even better when we have the opportunity to listen to client stories about how they came to have that particular piece in their possession!

What’s your favourite gemstone?

Easy.  Aquamarine.

How long does a jewellery valuation take?

The classic answer is that it all depends.  We usually allocate an hour if there are a large number of pieces, but it also depends on the age and type items to be valued. A single piece could take 10 minutes to value.

What do you like to do outside work?

It’s great to be able to hang out with the kids …..and the dog!

Melanie is available on Thursday at Abbeys Auctions by appointment – please call 03 9898 2118 to book a time.

The next Fine Jewellery & Timepieces auction will be held on Saturday 23 September 2023 (with viewing and bidding online from Friday 8 September) and the next auction on Saturday 2 December 2023.